All posts by admin

Minority Rapport

 We at only express the thoughts of those individuals that have a direct relationship to the advertising and marketing industry. We can only address the practices that affect the overall integrity of this industry. While doing some research at the headquarters one of our researchers stumbled across some literature from Joe Marconi the ink…

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Leaders of the Pack

   To say your unfamiliar with the minds behind these ads campaigns explains why is the voice of reason for the Advertising and Marketing community. With that being said there is a sound reason why these campaigns creators are the leader of the pack.  Let's us give you some background on these advertising powerhouses that constructed these campaigns first up fighting…

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"Lightning Strikes Twice"

Again a male sex enhancement advertisement campaign has made the center of conversation at Understanding the  baby-boomers are the last line of financial stability this country will ever see. With that being said all emphasis on the baby-boomer is a green for most retail and marketing companies. Kenneth Roman author of "How to Advertise"…

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Hands on Marketing takes pride in providing a voice of reason for the marketing and advertising community. We can not possibly be everywhere to give our subscribers the latetest  in marketing and advertising campaigns, but with YOU we can. We encourge reader to send any type of jawdropping advertisement such as : Print Advertising – Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures,…

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